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No Limit Email

E-commerce Email Marketing

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Email marketing can be confusing...

You have to write the email, create a killer subject line and then hope that your customer will open it up. And even if they do, you don't know if they'll click on any of the links inside or buy anything from there.

We help eCommerce store owners grow their business with smarter emails that are relevant, targeted and deliver higher conversion rates.

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Email Marketing
Landing Pages
Consumer products & services
Home Improvement



Introduce your business and what you do there.

Our business, Three Warriors, specializes in all-natural, organic luxury tanning products. We believe in bringing the best in Australian-made beauty to the comfort of the home, and want to deliver an elevated self-tanning experience, minus the chemical nasties.


What challenge were you trying to address with No Limit Email?

We want to continue developing our EDM and electronic marketing flows to our subscriber/ customer base, and keep bringing value to them even post-purchase. Continuing to leverage on the existing customer base to showcase campaigns and sales is also a constant priority in the business


What was the scope of their involvement?

NLE helps us build and construct flows to continuously grow our customer base, as well as contribute to customer longevity. This enables us to push campaigns with their help to a wider base, and have larger reach over a more efficient network.

What is the team dynamic?

It’s a constructive and streamlined dynamic, the team at NLE has clear systems and processes that they are transparent about communicating on, and understanding with adjustments. We enjoy a laugh on our catch-ups and their workflows make it clear and concise, while still hitting the nail on the head with briefs.

How did you come to work with No Limit Email?

We were introduced and recommended by word of mouth from a business partner.

How much have you invested with them?

Over $10,000AUD, and have received an incredible ROI from their work.

What is the status of this engagement?

Still ongoing, and hopefully working towards a long term partnership in the future.


How did your relationship with the vendor evolve?

We entered the partnership without a structure for our EDM angle, but the NLE team has come in with a solid structure and trajectory to help us grow in the area. They’ve managed to help us organize our EDM output and increase our revenue by 110% just by using automatic flows alone.

How did No Limit Email address the challenges that arose?

The team at NLE stayed focused and organised, ensuring that feedback was taken on board in a timely manner and always providing insight pertaining to ways we could continuously improve. Our partnership is an extremely fruitful one, with the team always being on the ball with rising to the challenge and working seamlessly.

Describe the impact this engagement has had on your business.

We’ve seen a massive increase in revenue and return on investment from our partnership with NLE. More returning customers coming back to redeem our sales offerings, as well as happier customers because we are delivering on post-purchase value and educational content, etc. 

How was project management handled?

We have an internal Marketing Coordinator who works closely with the Founder and liaisons with the team at NLE to ensure comms messaging is accurate, and efficient for maximum intended effect. We have regular check-ins with No Limit Email, and also communicate regularly over work messaging programs ie our Slack channel.

Is there anything that the vendor did well or that you would consider a strength?

NLE is always enthusiastic with helping us build on our EDM approach, offering us helpful suggestions on different ways we can expand our strategy such as through affiliate programs and helpful platforms that can help us capitalise on that angle. We consider their dedication and work ethic a massive strength, and something we can always rely on as a business client.

We are constantly growing and evolving as a small business, and it’s so important for us to have enthusiastic and organized partners like that to continue bringing our best to our customer base :)

In what specific areas can they improve?

We are very happy with the team and appreciate their contributions, communications are clear and concise and we feel really lucky to have gotten to work with these guys!

What advice do you have for clients with similar needs to yours?

Definitely give NLE a go when it comes to building out EDM strategies and developing a better email flows structure. We have recommended NLE to a few business partners and can’t wait to see the magic happen for them too!


This review was published on February 2, 2023

Candice Eliaes

Marketing Coordinator, Three Warriors

Beauty & Cosmetics

1-10 Employees

Hobart, Australia

Less than $10,000

Jan 2022 - Ongoing

Project Summary

No Limit Email designed graphical elements for EDMs, email flows, and copy to align for a beauty products company. They also delivered a visual representation of the brand and more.

Feedback Summary

The client was very pleased with the work that the No Limit Email Team did for them. Their efforts have helped in increasing the client's revenue and even garnered more positive feedback from the end users. Their workflow was effective and are proactively developing deliverables in a timely manner.


Please describe your company and your position there.

I'm the Marketing Coordinator for the company and am in charge of communicating with creative contractors to execute marketing campaigns across digital platforms.


For what projects/services did your company hire No Limit Email?

Design and creation, copywriting of EDMs being sent out to potential and existing customer base.


How did you select this vendor?

We heard of their awesome work through word of mouth.

Describe the scope of their work in detail.

Design of graphical elements to EDMs, email flows towards our existing customer base. Includes incorporating copy which aligns with brand voice, and delivering an accurate visual representation of the brand and communicating offers/ hooks surrounding sales of products.

What was the team composition?

With a supervisor, and two team members that executed design and managed other graphical creatives that contribute to the end product.


Can you share any outcomes from the project that demonstrate progress or success?

Contributing to our revenue, and return on customer rates and values. Feedback is always taken on board and attempts made to meet last-minute changes and deadlines.

How effective was the workflow between your team and theirs?

Pretty effective. We have integrated them into our communication channels, we have access over the platforms they use for design and feedback (Klaviyo, ClickUp) and are privy to progress on different briefs and timelines.

What did you find most impressive about this company?

Their efficiency and independence. Also always happy to jump on a call and check in whenever required despite time difference.

Is there any area for improvement or anything that could have been done differently?

Would be lovely if they came back with more constructive responses/ feedback when required. "Our hands are tied"/ not willing to budge on timeline planning can be tricky and tedious to work around especially considering the fact that we are a fast-paced, growing business.


Overall rating: 4

Quality: 3

Cost: 2.5

Schedule: 2.5

Willing to refer: 1.5


Please describe your company and your position there.

I’m the Co-Founder and Brand Executive at PuraU. PuraU is a vitamin and wellness company specifically specialising in all-natural supplements for better gut health.


For what projects/services did your company hire No Limit Email?

We hired NLE for assistance with growing and nurturing our email database. We wanted to hone in more on the education side of things and share information with our customers that can assist them with making better informed decisions for their health. We can’t achieve all of this on our website alone so we wanted to utilise EDM to achieve this. NLE refreshed current email flows we had going, built new ones and created weekly campaign emails too.


How did you select this vendor?

We were referred to NLE by a friend in the e-commerce space.

Describe the scope of their work in detail.

After a series of meetings with members of their team, including the owners themselves, we created a plan of attack for PuraU. From here, NLE implemented this efficiently and effectively. This process entailed graphic design, copy writing and klaviyo implementation.

What was the team composition?

Initially we were onboarded by Mike, the Co-Founder, who helped us strategise a plan of attack. From here, we were managed by Gerri, the other Co-Founder and our account manager. I also had the opportunity to seamlessly communicate with their graphic designers and copy writers.


Can you share any outcomes from the project that demonstrate progress or success?

For this particular project we unfortunately had to cut our time with NLE short due to budget constraints within the business. In the time that we worked together we did see a positive return on multiple email campaigns.

How effective was the workflow between your team and theirs?

It was extremely effective and efficient. We were able to seamlessly communicate across platforms such as Slack and Click-Up. This allowed us to be across all areas of the projects and monitor the progress in real time. As well as raise any issues or make any comments if needed, without issue.

What did you find most impressive about this company?

The depth that the Co-Founder Mike went into before we had even been on boarded by the brand. For our initial sales call with Mike, he had requested access to our Klaviyo and really analysed all of the past data, relayed this into a presentation and explained exactly what their approach would mean for us. Their work and attention to detail were extremely impressive and left us feeling extremely confident and comfortable.

Is there any area for improvement or anything that could have been done differently?

I don’t believe so. Our experience with NLE was very seamless.


Please describe your company and your position there.

We are a new innovative Korean skincare brand just launched in Q3 2021 - that scaled relatively fast. I'm one of the co-founders of this brand.


For what projects/services did your company hire No Limit Email, and what were your goals?

We needed an agile agency that could align with our team and company. Our main goal was to find an agency that could gradually take over all the in-house email marketing but also help us develop the channel to it's full potential.


How did you select this vendor and what were the deciding factors?

We had multiple meetings (8+) with different agencies that had experience in the beauty market, this included a very well known agency in e-comm. However we found that No Limit Email had more flexibility and agility with their processes including direct contact via slack etc. The team also provided a more in-line and on-track proposal plan when they audited our account compared to the other agencies, so I felt they really listened more carefully to our needs.

Describe the scope of work in detail, including the project steps, key deliverables, and marking tools used.

For the first 3 months - we wanted:

3x Key automated email flows set up (Klaviyo) GATSBY integration to collect UGC content Takeover of our email campaigns How many resources from the vendor's team worked with you, and what were their positions?

We have had contact with over 5+ team members from No Limit Email, this includes strategists, account managers and content creators. All giving top delivery on their work- it's always enlightening when we get to interact with their team members. They really have a concrete and reliable team.


Can you share any measurable outcomes of the project or general feedback about the deliverables?

The first step for our first 3 months was to start getting our Welcome series up and running - we had neglected this because we were doing a lot of ad testing and didn't want pop ups etc affecting our conversion metrics. No Limit Email set up a great sequence for this flow including a high sign-up rate popup. They also started to take over some of our campaigns starting with the more content heavy content to alleviate the in-house teams time on email marketing.

Mike also addressed one of my development goals for UGC integration pretty immediate; and we had it up and running within these first 3-months. The team have also set us up on a new revenue stream with SMS and we are already seeing the positive results from this.

How effective was the workflow between your team and theirs?

The No Limit Email team has streamlined this process incredibly well using Slack and Clickup. Their Clickup channel is one of the most organized I've seen and very easy to communicate with for sign offs and changes.

What did you find most impressive or unique about this company?

Aside from their incredibly results and delivery.They were extremely agile in handling stock issues or some in-house delays. The whole team is a plethora of information, we've gotten great leads and recommendations from them for other marketing areas that needed to be addressed.

Are there any areas for improvement or something they could have done differently?

no :)


Introduce your business and what you do there.

I’m the marketing director of three e-commerce brands. Our three e-commerce websites operate on Shopify, and we have a distribution and order filling in Canada and the US.


What challenge were you trying to address with No Limit Email?

We wanted to achieve consistent engagement with our email subscribers and clients. We also wanted to set up automation and regularity with value-added content, such as educational marketing materials after promotional messaging.


What was the scope of their involvement?

No Limit Email has set up a breed of automations for welcoming new subscribers, abandoned carts and browses, and new post-purchase loads. Initially, we had an onboarding interview and form for each brand. Since then, we’ve worked closely together and are in communication every day.

What is the team composition?

We mainly deal with Milica (Project Manager); she delegates within her team, which is about 2–4 people. Also, we’ve maintained consistent communication with the two co-founders.

How did you come to work with No Limit Email?

They were referred to our CEO. We had a discovery call and went from there.

How much have you invested with them?

We pay $18,000 a month for maintenance across all three brands. In total, we’ve spent around $150,000.

What is the status of this engagement?

We signed in March 2022, and our relationship is ongoing.


What evidence can you share that demonstrates the impact of the engagement?

It’s only been three months into our relationship, but we’ve started to see some improvements. There’s definitely been a boost in professionalism regarding coordination and the work's aesthetics.

How did No Limit Email perform from a project management standpoint?

Project management is above average, but it still has room for improvement. The directive and strategies are excellent, but there’s a gap between the plan and resources.

We started using ClickUp recently. Before, we just used Slack and spreadsheets. We also use Gmail and Google Meet to communicate.

What did you find most impressive about them?

They have a great strategy and a high-caliber team. Also, they’re very organized and professional. No Limit Email does good work.

Are there any areas they could improve?

They should increase their resources in terms of staffing. It seems they’re a bit shorthanded. Also, they start new tasks without finishing previous or ongoing ones.

Do you have any advice for potential customers?

I’d recommend them for sure. They’re a strong and generally positive team; they have a lot of insight and experience, so their knowledge of email marketing is world-class.


Please describe your company and your position there.

We are a health & wellness company that creates daily health rituals by combining adaptogens with consumer products like coffee.


For what projects/services did your company hire No Limit Email, and what were your goals?

We are a new business, and we wanted to set up our email automation series for our initial email marketing channel.


How did you select this vendor and what were the deciding factors?

We were recommended by someone we knew who said good things about No Limit Email.

Describe the scope of work in detail, including the project steps, key deliverables, and technologies used.

We had a kick-off meeting, followed by emails with each email series step by step. We got approvals done through emails, and these were tracked with google sheets. We had a few quick calls to iron out any implementation issues.

How many people from the vendor's team worked with you, and what were their positions?

We had two project managers take turns being our point of contact. A back end developer helped with implementation. And also a principal if we had any issues. The team was very responsive.


Can you share any measurable outcomes of the project or general feedback about the deliverables?

We loved the designs of our email series.

Describe their project management style, including communication tools and timeliness.

We had regular email correspondence, and if there was a need, we would have a call to touch base.

What did you find most impressive or unique about this company?

A lot of experience with email marketing and DTC strategies. Very responsive and knowledgeable team.

Are there any areas for improvement or something they could have done differently?

We had a few time zone issues with our developers, however, we figured out how to get work scheduled and reviewed.

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