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Search Nurture

Outstanding Results with Clarity & Care

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We specialize in driving growth for B2B SaaS and eCommerce companies DTC. This sub-specialization allows us to offer marketing services hand-tailored to meet the specific needs of these industries rather than a more generic paint-by-numbers approach. This means your marketing dollars go further, allowing you to compete head-to-head with companies that may have a larger budget but less sophisticate

Pay Per Click
Search Engine Optimization
Content Marketing
Amazon Advertising
Google Ads
YouTube Advertising
Other SEO
Content development
Link earning & development
On site optimization
Facebook Advertising
Instagram Marketing
Business services
Consumer products & services
Food & Beverage



Introduce your business and what you do there.

I’m the CMO of a retail software company.


What challenge were you trying to address with Search Nurture?

We hired Search Nurture to help us generate a greater level of awareness and to increase our overall lead flow.


What was the scope of their involvement?

We had a kickoff meeting where they learned a little bit about our business and what we were trying to do. However, we didn’t have an active SEO strategy, so they started from ground zero in order to build one.

Search Nurture is currently managing our organic SEO activities, which include our keyword research, website improvements, and more. They’re responsible for identifying opportunities, developing content outline, and creating content. On top of that, they’re working with us to finalize everything that’s going to be placed on the website.

What is the team composition?

Our primary point of contact is Ali (Senior Account Manager), and for the most part, we deal directly with her for any information we need. We also work with a couple of their technical resources in order to implement various optimization strategies.

How did you come to work with Search Nurture?

We hired a company that matched us with three different organizations and after evaluating them, Search Nurture emerged as the best fit for us.

How much have you invested with them?

We’ve spent $40,000.

What is the status of this engagement?

We began this partnership in July 2021, and it’s ongoing.


What evidence can you share that demonstrates the impact of the engagement? 

With Search Nurture’s work, our sessions have gone up 55% quarter over quarter (Q/Q). In addition, over 170 of our keywords have improved rankings. Our marketing pages and new content are also doing well with additional clicks and impressions on blog posts increasing after just weeks and months of going live. On top of that, our ROI is far above what we thought we can accomplish in a short amount of time.

We’re a small team, and we don’t have a lot of extra resources or time, so finding the right partner who’s going to work as an augmentation team is critical for us. In relation to that, we’re impressed that they take real ownership of the area of expertise they’re working on.

How did Search Nurture perform from a project management standpoint?

They have an exceptional project management process; they’re extremely organized, and they share a detailed project plan that we can always access. We receive their deliverables right on the day when we expect them.

What did you find most impressive about them?

Their expertise is second to none, and their ability to apply their expertise and get results quickly is really remarkable. We believe that’s possible because they really focus on augmenting our existing capabilities and maximizing what they can deliver for us in an efficient manner.

They go above and beyond to make sure the process is easy. As a result, they’ve really set the bar high for us in terms of working with other partners and other supporting agencies.

Are there any areas they could improve?

They don’t have anything to improve because they continue to exceed our expectations on a daily basis. In fact, we look forward to continuing to work with Search Nurture.

Do you have any advice for potential customers?

Focus on making sure you’re available to respond to their project plan and know that you don’t have to spend so much time trying to do what they’re already good at doing. Instead, focus on turning around content really quickly and providing inputs about your business. Above all, sign up with them as soon as possible because they’re an exceptional organization to work with and you’ll not be disappointed.


Introduce your business and what you do there.

I’m the owner of a law firm.


What challenge were you trying to address with Search Nurture?

I needed help with digital marketing. I wasn’t happy with my previous SEO provider.


What was the scope of their involvement?

The team put my WordPress website together. They also handle my SEO and help with my content. I get regular reports and we discuss the results.

What is the team composition?

 I work with 5–6 people from their team, including developers and social media marketing specialists.

How did you come to work with Search Nurture?

They were referred to me.

How much have you invested with them?

We’ve spent $200,000–$1 million.

What is the status of this engagement?

We started working together in January 2017, and our work is ongoing.


What evidence can you share that demonstrates the impact of the engagement? 

I track the leads I get very carefully. There’s definitely been a significant increase in leads since we started working together. Search Nurture is much better to work with than others I’ve worked with in the past; they’re much more responsive and effective.

How did Search Nurture perform from a project management standpoint?

They’re great. I get reports regularly and the team delivers on time consistently. We use a project management tool to keep track of everything.

What did you find most impressive about them?

They’re very easy to work with. I don’t spend a lot of time managing them.

Are there any areas they could improve?

No, I’m extremely happy with them.

Do you have any advice for potential customers?

As long as you’re clear with them, things will go well. They really know what they’re doing.


Introduce your business and what you do there.

We’re a SaaS company that offers all-in-one software for solar installers to design and sell solar-powered systems. In my specific position, I manage our paid ad programs directly with Search Nurture.


What challenge were you trying to address with Search Nurture?

We needed support for our paid ad campaigns.


What was the scope of their involvement? 

Search Nurture helps manage the day-to-day for our ad channels in addition to executing tasks and campaigns. Their team works with us to manage bids, compiling reports to see where we are within a program so that we can make any adjustments. The main platforms are Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Aside from that, they also help out with our organic search efforts.

What is the team composition? 

Alfredo (SEM Account Manager) is my main point of contact, but he has a larger team behind him that provides further support. When I first started, we were also working with his manager, but it’s since shrunk down to Alfredo.

How did you come to work with Search Nurture?

It was through a referral from a colleague.

What is the status of this engagement?

We officially started working with them in February 2020 and continue to work with them today.


What evidence can you share that demonstrates the impact of the engagement?

I’m happy with their work. The team is really on top of things, and they complete tasks really quickly. I can always trust them to manage our PPC campaigns correctly.

How did Search Nurture perform from a project management standpoint?

They’ve adaptive. In the beginning, they used Asana to manage our interactions but later adapted to our style, which is more hands-on. We prefer it when they do things and report back within a week. 

What did you find most impressive about them?

Again, they’re great at self-management. For example, if I go on vacation, I know that everything will be alright because they don’t need any micromanagement.

Are there any areas they could improve?

No, not at the moment. I’m pretty happy with our relationship.

Do you have any advice for potential customers?

Trust them because you’re in good hands.


Introduce your business and what you do there.

I’m one of the owners of eCreamery. We’re an online gift business that has operated for 14 years.


What challenge were you trying to address with Search Nurture?

We didn’t have the technical skills in-house to manage our search program, so we sought an expert in the field.


What was the scope of their involvement?

Search Nurture mostly manages paid search campaigns for us. Right now, they focus their efforts on Google and Bing. It’s about 80% Google and 20% Bing.

Their team tests different keywords and strategies to provide us with the appropriate ad spend. We then turn up the nozzle based on the metrics of what we can afford to acquire customers.

Search Nurture also has several other capabilities. As we grow, we’ll expand and engage them for Facebook Ads.

What is the team composition?

I generally correspond with two people from Search Nurture. In the past, I generally dealt with Lindsey (Head of Paid Media Acquisition). I now work with Christian (SEM Account Manager) on a regular basis. Both Lindsey and Christian are fantastic.

How did you come to work with Search Nurture?

We found Search Nurture through one of their key employees. Lindsey was with another company and moved over to Search Nurture. I basically followed her because we had a great relationship that I wanted to continue it. Search Nurture was even better than our paid search partner.

What is the status of this engagement?

We started working with Search Nurture around October 2018, and our partnership’s ongoing.


What evidence can you share that demonstrates the impact of the engagement? 

We’ve been satisfied since we started working with Search Nurture. Their industry expertise is outstanding. We know exactly what we’re willing to spend to acquire a new customer, and that’s the number we target. Search Nurture does a fantastic job.

How did Search Nurture perform from a project management standpoint?

We have weekly conference calls when we review all of the project's metrics. We can go into as much detail as we’d like because Search Nurture has all of the information for us.

They have a nice dashboard that they provide on a monthly basis. I can share the dashboard with the other owners and key employees in our company. It’s user-friendly and gives us all of our campaign data.

Their team’s always available — day or night. They’re always quick to respond via email or phone if necessary. Search Nurture offers outstanding customer service.

What did you find most impressive about them?

They charge us a reasonable fee. Their customer service is fantastic, and their technical abilities are top-notch. Search Nurture’s a great company that I would recommend to anyone. We’re a small company, but they don’t treat us like a small company. Their team treats us like we're their biggest customer. We matter to them.

Are there any areas they could improve?

No, there’s really not.

Do you have any advice for potential customers?

Determine what you’re willing to spend per click or per order. You have to determine your metrics and margins of profitability. Then, Search Nurture will do the work for you.


Introduce your business and what you do there.

I’m a manager at a customer engagement platform for B2B and B2C businesses. Our main clientele’s small and medium-sized businesses.


What challenge were you trying to address with Search Nurture?

We needed an agency to help us manage our Google Ads.


What was the scope of their involvement?

Our partnership with them focuses on Google Ads and ad spend. We recently started establishing OKRs based on leads driven by our Google Ad spend. Search Nurture helps us deliver those leads to achieve our goals. We collaborate on content and strategy, and their team helps us put together copy too.

What is the team composition?

Search Nurture assigned two representatives to our account. We usually talk with Alfredo (SEM Account Manager) who helps us with strategy. We also communicate with Christian (SEM Account Manager) who helps manage our account.

How did you come to work with Search Nurture?

My former manager found Search Nurture through a referral. She decided to partner with them.

How much have you invested with them?

We’ve sent about $2,500 a month on their services since we started the engagement.

What is the status of this engagement?

We first started with Search Nurture in June 2019, and we’ve been with them ever since.


What evidence can you share that demonstrates the impact of the engagement? 

We increased our Google Ads spend from $5,500 to about $30,000 a month. That’s a testament to how well Search Nurture maintains and grows our account. We’ve driven more sign-ups too. Google’s now our third biggest driver of them. We’ve also seen more leads from Google Ads, which is now a top-three channel for leads.

How did Search Nurture perform from a project management standpoint?

We mainly communicate via phone and email. However, we also have a couple of Google Sheets with them for collaboration purposes. We have weekly meetings with Alfredo when he gives us account updates. He suggests ideas, and we suggest ideas to him.

Their communication’s consistent, keeping us updated on their work. As they have many clients, their team may take a day or two to implement changes. However, that’s not a huge issue because their team’s on top of making sure everything works correctly.

What did you find most impressive about them?

The Search Nurture team’s calm under pressure. Over the past couple of quarters, we had a lot of aggressive initiatives that they took in stride. Their team definitely proved themselves regarding strategy and channel management.

Are there any areas they could improve?

They could assign their representatives to fewer customers. That may help their account representatives to make changes faster.

Do you have any advice for potential customers?

Have an overall strategy in mind. Let them know exactly what you want and what you want to target. Tell them what you want to achieve using different channels.

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