

We brings brands to life through compelling design

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WonderWild is a brand identity + design studio focused on helping CPG brands level up through emotionally compelling design. From creating new brands to refreshing old ones, we'll help you stand out from the crowd and resonate with your tribe.

Packaging Design
Product branding
Brand messaging
Brand strategy
Corporate identity
Consumer products & services
Business services
Hospitality & leisure



Please describe your company and your position there.

I am the Co-Founder of restaurant payments start up in Dubai. I oversee all product and marketing for the business.


For what projects/services did your company hire WonderWild, and what were your goals?

We wanted to establish a new brand for a restaurant tech play, but one that would fit in the food and beverage space. The brief was clear. Design a brand that would look ats at place as an app, as it would as a bottle sitting on the shelf behind the bar.

The brand needed to convey a simplicity and confidence, that could stand out on it's own or take a second row to the host restaurant brand.


How did you select this vendor?

I sourced a set of packaging designers from Dribbble based on their portfolios. Each one had a Zoom interview and I selected from there. Seth stood out head and shoulders above the crowd. Fully understanding the brief from the start, being very responsive and with a fantastic portfolio.

One of the challenges we had was timezone as we were based in different parts of the world. At no point did this present and obstacle and Seth suggested a Zoom and Loom based approach to ensure efficiency.

Describe the scope of their work in detail, including any steps and the final deliverables.

This was a rebrand and a repositioning of the company. We were looking for a brand identity, as well as some examples of how ti can be applied to the digital space.

Seth was incredibly methodical in his approach. We started with a questionnaire to narrow down the brand values and vision, along with a Zoom discussion. From there I received a number of iterations of logo styles and colour palettes to choose from.

Again these were to guide us both on how the brand should take shape. Once this was nailed down we moved to numerous iterations of the Timbl brand itself. Again with various styles and color palettes.

Each step had a pdf accompanied with a Loom video walkthrough so I could understand the reasoning and thoughts behind each. The final deliverables were a logo, color palette, font and brand guidelines.

In addition he created a sample set of social graphics and webpage to explore how the brand could be utilised in a practical manner.

How many people from the vendor's team worked with you, and what were their positions?

Only Seth - the owner.


Can you share any outcomes from the project that demonstrate progress or success?

We got what we wanted. A bold, confident and playful identity for the business which we have been able to extend on numerous occasions into different playful routes with our restaurant partners.

Describe their project management style, including communication tools and timeliness.

Focused, clear communication and methodical approach. He always shit his deadlines and the work was of a very high standard.

What did you find most impressive or unique about this company?

The design work spoke for itself, but their approach really impressed me. It forced me to think much more deeply about what the identity should be, it helped to bring me on the journey to where we got to.

Are there any areas for improvement or something they could have done differently?

None at all


Introduce your business and what you do there.

I’m the president of a mortgage company.


What challenge were you trying to address with WonderWild

We needed their help with our rebranding efforts.


What was the scope of their involvement?

WonderWild initially launched a discovery phase to learn about our goals and branding preferences. They then devised drafts for our brand guidelines and submitted these for our approval before finalizing our new brand elements. WonderWild was also in charge of incorporating our brand strategies into our promotional materials and digital platforms.

What is the team composition?

We had one point of contact.

How did you come to work with WonderWild?

A web designer I previously worked with referred WonderWild’s team to me.

How much have you invested with them?

We spent $25,000.

What is the status of this engagement?

The project ran from April–June 2021.


What evidence can you share that demonstrates the impact of the engagement?

WonderWild did a great job of improving our brand image. I showed their work to my colleagues and friends and received nothing but positive feedback. There was a delay on our go-live schedule, so we’d be looking forward to getting a hold of quantitative metrics after launching the new website.

How did WonderWild perform from a project management standpoint?

We communicated via email and phone calls. They had excellent project management skills that made for a smooth-sailing process.

What did you find most impressive about them?

They listened to our branding needs and delivered those.

Are there any areas they could improve?

We didn’t encounter any areas that needed improvement.

Do you have any advice for potential customers?

Set your expectations and understand what you want for your brand.


Introduce your business and what you do there.

I’m the CEO of Tiiga. We make hydration stick packs using baobab superfruit which is from Africa.


What challenge were you trying to address with WonderWild?

We were not a company at the time, so we were looking for a brand style guide.


What was the scope of their involvement?

WonderWild created our brand style guide containing our mission, core purpose, and values. Along with that, they developed and designed color palettes, logos, packaging, and icons — our overall company identity. 

WonderWild submitted multiple different proposals on what their deliverables would be and then we just determined which one we would go with. They conducted extensive research for this project which include reaching out to our other competitors to understand the Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) marketplace a little bit better. They also held multiple interviews with us to understand us better. We also did some A/B testing on the different product designs or the different local icon designs they crafted. 

What is the team composition?

Two people from their team worked on our project.

How did you come to work with WonderWild?

They were a local for us. We’re at Lincoln, Nebraska and so are they. WonderWild's style and design impressed us. Additionally, they were referred by another marketing firm that I held in high esteem

How much have you invested with them?

We spent under $10,000.

What is the status of this engagement?

Our partnership ran from October 2019–December 2008.


What evidence can you share that demonstrates the impact of the engagement? 

No, there’s no way to measure the impact of their work. However, the most important thing for a CPG company like us is our branding, brand identity, logos, and icons — that's what everybody sees. In relation to that, I guess I would give them a perfect rating.

We launched a successful Kickstarter and we’re selling online and on Amazon. We’ve done multiple different events and other things and people have liked the designs, our brand look, and our identity. I feel like they did a great job of providing what we didn’t even know we needed. 

How did WonderWild perform from a project management standpoint?

We used Dropbox so we could get updated information and then we would just communicate through email.

What did you find most impressive about them?

They were very good at taking a non-brand like us. We knew who we wanted to be, but we didn’t know how that was going to look — they did a really good job of helping us create what and who we wanted to be.

Are there any areas they could improve?

There's nothing that they could improve. They gave us what we needed for the stage we were at. 

Do you have any advice for potential customers?

Out of the deliverables that WonderWild will give you, choose the most important for your business. In addition, have a metric scale on your end so you know you're always getting what you want out of the engagement.


Please describe your company and your position there.

I am the CEO of an agribusiness company that provides seasonal, local workers to major seed corn companies. We hire about 600 teenagers and college students to work in the summers, interface with state and federal agencies, including providing certified DOT transportation for employees, as well as building relationships with international seed corn companies around the world.


For what projects/services did your company hire WonderWild?

We needed a new website built, from the ground up, to replace an outdated and non-user friendly one. We also needed a fresh rebranding, one that would stand out from our competitors and make a memorable impact both for attracting workers and displaying a professional, can-do attitude for potential agribusinesses that we contract with.

What were your goals for this project?

My goals were to create a website that would give information to potential workers about our company in a way that wouldn't bog them down. We have a lot of information to convey to our crew, and I wanted to do it in a visually pleasing way that would walk them through what it's like to spend your summer making money in a cornfield. I also wanted it to be very mobile-friendly, and for me (not very techy!) to be able to configure things within it easily, as our needs evolved.


How did you select this vendor?

Seth came highly recommended to me by--would you believe it?--one of his competitors. I had seen his work before and was impressed. I also selected him for the rebranding project, which is still ongoing, because another vendor that we had used fell short of our goals for the vision we had for our company. Seth was able to catch our vision and create a stunningly beautiful, yet simple, logo that will have longevity.

Describe the project and the services they provided in detail.

WonderWild designed and developed our website from the ground up. They developed an application for potential employees to fill out, and it exports neatly into the system we have in our office and seamlessly integrates with the payroll company that we use. They listened to our heart for what we wanted the website to be and to convey, and they nailed it spot on.

What was the team composition?

There were two main people involved in our project, Seth being main visionary and designer, and then a developer for the more technical aspects.


Can you share any information that demonstrates the impact that this project has had on your business?

As mentioned earlier, we hire about 500-600 people every summer for seasonal work. I need our site to be attractive to teenagers, their parents, as well as college students. This year, I had the luxury of having almost 1,000 applicants fill out the online application. In other words, WonderWild's website helped us attract almost double the number of applicants that we needed to hire.

How was project management arranged and how effective was it?

Seth was always ahead of us on project management. If there ever was a sticking point, it was me slowing things down. He was patient, yet gently nudged me forward to get to the desired goal whenever I got that "deer in the headlights" moment and didn't know which way to go.

What did you find most impressive about this company?

Creativity in design. Seth is just good. Period. As in, gifted. They're willing to explore different design options and make it happen.

Are there any areas for improvement?

For me, because I'm old school--probably more phone or even face-to-face interactions are helpful to keep me moving forward. I tend to get stuck when I have to respond in writing to requests, especially if I'm in a busy season and want to write everything out perfectly. A quick phone call can get me moving in the right direction sometimes more effectively.


Please describe your company and your position there.

I'm the Founder/CEO of Sync with God, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit Christian faith-based organization. Our mission is to provide a feasible way for everyone who is on a faith journey to hear about Jesus and to dialog with other Christians in a supportive and safe virtual experience.


For what projects/services did your company hire WonderWild?

We needed to hire an external resource to design the UI/UX screens for the Sync with God mobile and laptop app.

What were your goals for this project?

We wanted simple, user-friendly screens that are attractive for the end-user.


How did you select this vendor?

I met Seth (Creative Director, WonderWild) last year and I liked his graphic design capabilities.

Describe the project in detail.

WonderWild designed 11 UI/UX screens in InVision for both mobile and laptop versions of the app. We provided our comments and then had a series of video meetings with them and our India-based developer team. Seth worked to refine the designs until we accepted them. 

What was the team composition?

We worked directly with Seth.


Can you share any outcomes from the project that demonstrate progress or success?

Their work helped our developer create the final app. We also received positive comments about the simple and attractive design from our partners. 

How effective was the workflow between your team and theirs?

Seth was always responsive through email. He answered our questions in a timely manner, and was able to schedule video chat meetings within two days.

What did you find most impressive about this company?

WonderWild’s professionalism, responsiveness, and down-to-earth attitude were most impressive. Their ability to understand our needs helped them create simple, attractive, and user-friendly UI/UX screens.

Are there any areas for improvement?

No, there were not any areas for improvement.

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