Before we start any search, we want to make sure the process is tailored to you. We want to get a deep understanding of the following:
There are hundreds of thousands of agencies that Vendry has data on, and we rely on our proprietary algorithm to find the most relevant ones for you. There are 7 dimensions that our algorithm uses when assessing whether an agency is a good fit for a partner.
We source this data from a combination of client interviews, investment groups such as venture capital or PE firms, industry collectives, and thought leaders with significant agency experience.
Vendry will review every proposal from your candidate pool. Our internal experts review each proposal by hand, and score these proposals based on a combination of the agency's strategy, demonstrated experience, and stylistic match.
Our team will compile a short-list of 2-3 agencies that we will present to you. For each agency, we will provide a rationale for why we think this agency may be a strong fit, citing their strategic approach and different case studies.
Vendry will introduce you to the agencies with the top proposals. From there, we will support from the sidelines as you dive deeper into strategy and finalize contracts with the agency. When and if the contract is finalized, Vendry will collect payment from the agency.
There is absolutely no obligation to work with a Vendry agency. While we would love to have found you a great match, you are free compare the agencies we provide against the agencies you have found yourself. This keeps us accountable to providing the best quality search, and helps us learn about new agencies that we should consider inviting to our network.