What to Consider When Hiring a New Marketing Partner: Advice from an Agency

Dan Gray

Are you trying to find your way through the constantly evolving new platforms, trends, and advertising functionalities? We get you - things can get a bit overwhelming, and adding that to the fact the market is more fiercely competitive than ever, it’s clear that seeking help and partnership is the only sensible thing to do. But with a plethora of agencies vying for your attention, how do you find the one that's the perfect fit for your brand? What questions to ask? What to watch out for? 

For the seasoned performance marketing agency GrowMojo, the key lies in forging a true partnership, one built on mutual understanding, transparent communication, and a shared vision for success. It’s good for the client and it’s good for the agency, too, as it streamlines the processes and helps everything run that much more smoothly. 

Here's a roadmap to guide you in selecting the agency that will propel your brand's growth:

1. Building a Foundation of Shared Goals

A clear understanding of your brand's objectives is the cornerstone of any successful agency-client relationship.  Before diving into specific tactics, invest time in outlining your strategic goals and desired direction, and be crystal-clear about it.  Look for an agency that doesn't just listen, but actively engages in discussions, asking insightful questions to truly grasp your brand's unique voice and target audience.  A collaborative approach ensures the agency develops strategies that align perfectly with your vision. Therefore, look for an agency that assures: 

Alignment on Goals: Ensure the agency understands your business objectives, whether it's brand awareness, lead generation, or driving sales. This alignment will facilitate the development of tailored strategies that resonate with your target audience and market conditions.

Collaborative Approach: A good agency should work closely with you, involving you in the decision-making process and making sure that strategies match your vision. Regular meetings and strategic discussions help maintain alignment and adjust tactics as needed.

Long-Term Partnership: View your relationship with the agency as a long-term partnership rather than a transactional engagement. This mindset fosters trust and encourages the agency to invest in your success continuously.

2. Transparency: Seeing Clearly Through the Data

To say that data is king is more than just spilling out a catchphrase. Open, transparent reporting is essential for measuring progress and optimizing campaigns.  The right agency will be your data champion, providing clear, actionable insights into campaign performance.  Regular discussions around these metrics will empower you to make informed decisions and ensure your marketing budget is delivering tangible results.  Remember, an agency that prioritizes transparency breeds trust and fosters a long-term, successful partnership. Make sure to ask for: 

Clear Reporting: Look for agencies that provide transparent and comprehensive reporting. They should offer insights into campaign performance, including key metrics like return on ad spend (ROAS), conversion rates, and customer acquisition costs. This transparency allows you to understand the effectiveness of your campaigns and make informed decisions. Plus, it’s very beneficial for building trust, and trust is essential in the client-agency relationship.

Accessible Data: Some agencies grant you access to raw data and performance dashboards. This accessibility allows you to independently verify results and track progress against agreed-upon KPIs.

Honest Communication: The agency should communicate openly about challenges and setbacks. Whether it’s an unexpected drop in performance or issues with ad platforms, honest communication helps in promptly addressing and rectifying problems.

3. Industry Expertise: Speaking the Language of Your Market

While a strong understanding of performance marketing principles is crucial, industry-specific knowledge elevates an agency's capabilities to another level.  Imagine the difference between an agency versed in the nuances of B2B marketing strategies and one solely focused on consumer goods.  Choosing an agency that possesses in-depth understanding of your industry's competitive landscape, customer behavior, and relevant social media trends allows them to tailor campaigns that resonate with your target audience.  This expertise translates to more effective messaging, higher conversion rates, and finally, a greater return on your investment. During the selection process, ask the agencies about: 

Industry Knowledge: Agencies with industry-specific expertise understand the unique and specific challenges and opportunities of your market and the platforms you want to access. They are versed in creating strategies that resonate with your audience and adhere to industry norms and regulations.

Case Studies and References: Ask for case studies or references from previous clients within your industry. These testimonials can provide insight into the agency’s ability to deliver results in a context similar to yours.

Trend Awareness: An agency with industry expertise is more likely to be aware of emerging trends and best practices, which allows you to stay ahead of the competition.

4. Masters of the Platforms: Navigating the Ever-Shifting Advertising Landscape

Platforms like Meta (Facebook & Instagram) and TikTok regularly introduce new features, modify algorithms, and update advertising guidelines.  Finding an agency with a deep understanding and experience across these advertising channels is critical.  They should be fluent in the language of each platform, understanding its unique strengths, targeting options, and ad formats. Ideally, your partner agency should possess: 

Platform Mastery: Ensure the agency has proven experience with major platforms like Meta (Facebook and Instagram), TikTok, Google Ads, and new channels like TikTok Shop that are relevant to your strategy. They should understand the algorithms, ad formats, and audience targeting options specific to each platform.

Cross-Channel Strategies: A deep understanding of how different channels interact can enhance campaign performance. The agency should be able to create integrated strategies that leverage the strengths of each platform to maximize your overall reach and impact.

Continuous Learning: Advertising platforms continually evolve. The agency should demonstrate a commitment to staying updated with the latest changes and innovations, ensuring your campaigns remain effective and compliant.

5. Beyond Knowledge: The Power of Direct Relationships

Going a step further, look for an agency that cultivates direct relationships with platform representatives. These connections don't just facilitate smoother communication but also offer a crucial advantage. Having some degree of insider knowledge allows the agency to be proactive in optimizing campaigns and staying ahead of the curve. A skilled agency can leverage these connections to navigate complex situations efficiently and minimize campaign downtime. Specifically, they can help with: 

Early Access to Features: Agencies with direct connections often receive early access to new features and beta programs. This head start gives you a welcome competitive edge by adopting innovative ad formats or targeting options before they become widely available.

Issue Resolution: Direct lines of communication can expedite the resolution of issues such as ad rejections or account suspensions. Quick problem-solving minimizes disruptions to your campaigns and helps maintain performance.

Insights and Updates: Access to insider knowledge about upcoming changes and trends can inform your strategy and help you adapt proactively rather than reactively.

6. Holistic Approach: A World of Difference

While expertise in specific areas is crucial, a multifaceted approach can be a significant asset. Agencies that provide a broad range of services—such as SEO, content marketing, social media management, technical and development services, video production, creative development and beyond—offer a more integrated and consistent marketing strategy. This comprehensive service offering ensures that every aspect of your digital presence is aligned and working harmoniously towards your business objectives, providing a seamless experience across various marketing channels. Look for an agency that provides: 

Integrated Services: Consider agencies that offer a broad range of services, including SEO, content marketing, and social media management. This integration ensures consistency in messaging and strategy across different marketing channels.

Customization: The agency should be capable of tailoring their services to meet your unique needs instead of offering one-size-fits-all solutions. This customization leads to more effective strategies and better alignment with your business goals.

Scalability: As your business grows, your needs will evolve, too. Choose an agency that's able to scale its services to meet your expanding requirements, whether through increased ad spend, new channels, or more sophisticated strategies.

7. Tackle Uncertainty: Track Record Matters

A proven track record and the right credentials are crucial indicators of an agency's reliability and expertise. Additionally, industry certifications and awards from recognized platforms like Google and Meta can offer further assurance of their proficiency and commitment to maintaining high standards in performance marketing. When talking to agencies, ask them about: 

Case Studies and Results: Review the agency’s case studies and success stories. These examples of past performance demonstrate their ability to deliver results and manage successful campaigns.

Certifications and Awards: Look for agencies with industry certifications from platforms like Google, Meta, or LinkedIn. These credentials indicate a recognized level of expertise and commitment to maintaining high standards.

Client Testimonials: Client testimonials and reviews can provide valuable insights into the agency’s reliability, customer service, and overall performance.

Key Takeaways

Choosing the right performance marketing agency involves more than just evaluating their capabilities; it's about finding a partner that understands your business, communicates openly, and possesses the expertise to navigate the intricacies and specifics of various advertising channels. By focusing on mutual understanding, transparency, industry-specific knowledge, and platform expertise, you can form a partnership that drives your brand's growth and achieves your strategic goals. Consider additional factors such as comprehensive service offerings and proven track records to ensure that the agency can support your evolving needs and deliver sustained success.